Welcome to our new website! This will be the official source of information for Van Riper House, Inc, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Van Riper House, an early 18th-century Dutch farmhouse located in Nutley, New Jersey.
You can also find us on Facebook!
2 replies on “Welcome!”
Are there any plans by the township and/or county to continue restoring the house? It badly needs a new roof, garage doors, porch and awning, additional windows and a painting. And that’s just the exterior! Any plans in the work? Thanks, Ray Camiscioli
Hi Ray, our primary focus right now is repairing the roof. We are in the process of negotiating with contractors, and will release information shortly when the plans are finalized. You can help by donating or becoming a member to defray some of the significant costs associated with this capital improvement! Thanks
-Dante Intindola, President